
  • Clicktrack App For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2021. 5. 19. 10:45

    Toggl Desktop for Mac is a native macOS application that can be installed on your computer. It works seamlessly with the web version of Toggl, syncing data on the fly. Toggl Desktop also works offline; it stores data locally and sends it to the Toggl server once you’re back online.

    Click here to download the app! Please note that this version of Toggl Desktop works only on macOS 10.11 El Capitan or newer.

    Toggl Desktop is also available on App Store! If you prefer the App Store update system more than the current automatic updater, you are more than welcome to switch to the App Store version of Toggl Desktop.

    The Force Touch trackpad lets you Force click by pressing on the trackpad and then applying more pressure. This allows you to take advantage of added functionality in many apps and system features on your Mac. ClickTrack is a simple and elegant BPM counter and metronome for djs and musicians alike. The minimal and ease to use interface let’s you focus on what’s important – finding that right tempo. Tick the box Look up and data detectors to enable the ability to search words and phrases in Safari, iTunes, and other searchable services on your Mac; Tick the box Secondary click to enable one-click double-clicking. You can select how you trigger Secondary click to work from the dropdown menu to click in the bottom right or bottom left corner or clicking with two fingers. In this article: download, adding a project tracking time, adding time manually, unsynced entries editing, drag and drop, settings, idle detection, Pomodoro timer, default project, proxy settings, autotracker, reminders, keyboard shortcuts. Toggl Desktop for Mac is a native OSX application, that can be installed on your computer. It works seamlessly with the web version of Toggl, syncing data.

    Toggl Desktop will switch between Light and Dark mode based on your MacOS preferences.

    Tracking time

    Tracking time with the desktop agent is as simple as it could possibly be.

    Fill in the details of what you’re doing in the “What are you doing?” field, and click on the green “play” button to start the timer.

    If you start the timer first and wish to add the details later, just click on the timer and a popup window appears where you’re able to edit the description, project, tags, duration, start/stop times and the date. On paid plans, you’re also able to mark the entry as “Billable” or not.

    To make it easier to differentiate, the Toggl Desktop icon on your dock will be red when the timer is running, and grey when it is not. The same applies in the menu bar, but in different colors: black or transparent.

    The app can display each time entry individually or it can group entries with the same description and project together. This behavior can be controlled by enabling/disabling the “Group similar time entries” option on the Profile page. For more details about time entry grouping please open the Timer Page article.

    You can load up to a full month’s worth of time entries for a better overview by clicking “Load more” at the bottom of the list.

    Adding time manually

    You can use Manual Model if you want to add time entries at a later time. To switch to Manual Mode, open the Toggl Desktop menu from the menu bar and click “Switch Mode” (Keyboard shortcut: ⌘D).

    Here's what the app will look like in Manual Mode.

    Toggl syncs all your entries back to the web automatically. However, if there is an issue with the app connecting to our server you may have unsynced entries. For more details on how Toggl sync works open this syncing article.

    Click track app for mac computer

    You will see a warning next to your entry in the form of a red exclamation mark in the center of a pink triangle. If this happens, navigate to the Menu bar, and click Account > Sync.

    If the sync is unsuccessful, please log out and log back into the desktop. To avoid data loss, be sure to make note of any unsynced entries which will then need to be added manually.

    Editing time entries

    Editing your time entries in the desktop app has the same basics – just click on the entry you wish to edit and a similar popup window appears. Once you’re done editing, close the popup window. Changes are saved automatically. To continue a time entry, just click on the arrow button next to the time entry.

    To rearrange your data and move an entry to a different date use drag-and-drop:

    Adding Projects

    Projects can be added while editing time entries, including the one currently running.

    In the edit popup window, select “Add New Project”. From where you can define the project name, color (customizable colors available on paid plans only), workspace and client. You can also enter the description for the entry you’re editing. When you’re done, click on the X button in the top right corner of the popup.


    To edit the settings of your desktop agent, just click Toggl Desktop in the menu bar and then choose Preferences.

    Preferences are divided into 4 tabs, and shown one section at a time. This is what you’ll see.

    Preferences – General tab

    Show/Hide Toggl: Set a global shortcut to show or hide the Toggl app. This will work even when the app is not in focus.

    Continue/Stop Timer: Set a global shortcut to continue or stop the Toggl Timer. This will work even when the app is not in focus.

    Idle detection: Get notified of the time that you’ve been inactive/away from the keyboard. The notification will popup after an X number of minutes as set in your preferences.

    After the notification has popped up, you can decide whether you want to keep the time or discard it. Here’s what it looks like:

    The popup has four options for you to choose from:

    • Discard idle time: Discards idle time, and stops the running timer from when you went idle.
    • Discard idle and continue: Discards the idle time, but starts a new time entry that matches the previously running timer so you can resume work.
    • Add idle time as new time entry: Stops previously running timer, and adds idle time as a new time entry.
    • Cancel: Ignores idle time, and adds it to the currently running time entry.

    Pomodoro timer: Allows users to use the Pomodoro Technnique to improve productivity. You can setup intervals for work (Pomodoro Timer) and break (Pomodoro Break Timer) cycles, and get notified when it's time to stop working or when the break time runs out.

    Tick the ‘Pomodoro Timer’ option to enable it and set your preferred intervals for both work and break cycles.

    Clicking Continue at the end of a break cycle restarts the last time entry you were using. Clicking Continue at the end of a work cycle continues the running time entry.

    Record timeline: If you tick this option, all websites and programs that you view for longer than 10 seconds will be recorded. You can learn more about this feature here. We hope to have this available in the desktop app soon!

    Show Timer on Menu Bar: View the current running timer on the Menu bar next to the Toggl icon

    Show Project on Menu Bar: View the Project for the current timer on the Menu bar next to the Toggl Icon

    Show Dock Icon: Show/Hide Toggl icon on your Doc.

    Other configurable options:

    • Keep Toggl on top of other windows
    • Stop running entry on computer sleep/shutdown
    • Focus app on global shortcut
    • Open Edit view when starting entry without shortcut

    Default project: Pick one project that you use the most, and fill it in automatically whenever you start a time-entry without a project. If needed you can still change the project for both running and stopped time-entries.

    Change duration when changing start time: Choose whether you want the duration updated when a time entry’s start time is updated.

    Preferences – Proxy tab

    Under the Proxy tab you can configure proxy settings if you happen to be behind a proxy.

    If you tick the ‘Use system proxy settings’ checkbox, Toggl Desktop will use the same proxy settings you have set up for your system.

    Preferences – Autotracker tab

    Under the Autotracker tab you can define applications or keywords and projects they connect to.

    If an application with the keyword is in the foreground it triggers the AutoTracker. When the tracker is triggered it shows you a notification and asks if you would like to track time under the project you chose.

    Preferences – Reminder tab

    Under the Reminder tab you’re able to customize your tracking reminders. These reminders are triggered when the Toggl Desktop app is running but there are no running entries. This tab allows you to set the days on which the reminders are active as well as the time of day when they can trigger.

    Note: If can't see any notifications from our desktop app, please make sure that Do Not Disturb is off.

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    Toggl Desktop sports several keyboard shortcuts for fast time entry:

    • ⌘ N creates a new time entry and displays the edit window
    • ⌘ D changes between timer and manual mode
    • ⌘ S stops the running time entry
    • ⌘ O continues the last recorded time entry
    • ⌘ E open running entry in edit popup

    Also there are context-specific shortcuts to make navigating inside the app easier:

    Switching between timer and Time entry listing

    • SHIFT+DOWN – Focuses the Time entry listing
    • ESC – If the edit popup is opened it always closes the popup (even if listing is focused). If edit popup is not opened and entries list is focused it will switch the focus to Timer.

    Moving inside Time entries listing

    • UP/DOWN – switch between selected time entry
    • ENTER – open the edit view of selected time entry
    • SPACE – continue the selected time entry
    • BACKSPACE – delete the selected time entry

    Collapse/expand data

    • LEFT ARROW – collapses grouped time entries
    • RIGHT ARROW – expands grouped time entries

    Toggl Desktop is an open source project. You’re welcome to help us by submitting pull requests, bug reports or feature requests to our GitHub page.

    Juggling tasks is an important skill in the modern world. From that presentation you promised to send your boss by today to picking up some ingredients for dinner, from holiday planning to present-buying, remembering everything can sometimes be overwhelming.

    Fear not – your smartphone can help you avoid drowning in a sea of tasks. There are a range of apps aiming to help you get on top of your to-do lists, many that synchronise with partner apps on your computer, tablet or even your smartwatch.

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    Here are seven of the best ones to try:

    Android / iOS / Windows Phone (Free + IAP)

    Microsoft liked this task-management app so much, it bought the company behind it in June 2015. Happily, it hasn’t been shut down since, as is often the way with such deals. Wunderlist is one of the easiest to-do list apps to use for beginners.

    Creating and sharing lists is easy, as is setting up deadlines for getting them done – and reminders to ensure you’re not caught out. Using Wunderlist to collaborate on lists with colleagues and family members is easy, and its smartwatch app is a useful way to quickly check on your lists – while shopping, for example.

    Like most of these apps, Wunderlist is freemium: pay £3.99 a month and you’ll get full access to features like file-sharing and subtasks – something mainly for power users.


    Google Keep
    Android / iOS (Free)

    Google Keep isn’t just for to-do lists – it’s an Evernote-style service for keeping (hence the name) notes, photos and even audio recordings that you don’t want to lose in your device. As part of that, though, it’s an effective tool for keeping track of your tasks and ticking them off when finished.

    As with Gmail, there’s a good system of labels and colours to separate off different parts of your life: work and family, for example. There are also some nifty alert features: the ability to set location-based reminders for example, which is good if you’re an absent-minded type likely to wander past a supermarket without remembering that you need more teabags.

    Android / iOS / Windows Phone (Free + IAP)

    For simple and clear design, it’s hard to beat Todoist, which blends a neat look and feel with a host of useful features for keeping on top of your tasks. It’s easy to set up and manage lists, share them with other people, and set reminders and deadlines to help you get them done.

    The collaboration features are one of its key selling points, and it plays nicely with other online services: one of the most useful being IFTTT. Its smartwatch app is handy, and if you need more motivation, there’s a fun “Karma” feature that awards you points for ticking off your tasks.

    The key features are free, but Todoist also has a premium option costing £21.99 a year. For that, you get more notification and reminder options, the ability to upload files, photos and sound recordings, and more ways to add and access your tasks.

    Android / iOS (Free + IAP)

    Any.do shares many of its features with the rivals reviewed here, from syncing your lists across all your devices, to sharing features and the ability to set certain tasks as “recurring” if they aren’t one-off duties.

    If speaking rather than tapping out words is your thing, you’ll appreciate its voice-entry feature, which lets you create a list by talking into your smartphone. If you (like me) struggle with your time management, there’s also a very useful feature called Any.do Moment, which focuses just on the tasks you’ve set as needing to be done today.

    As with the others, Any.do is free to use with all the features most people will need. However, a £2.29 monthly subscription upgrades you to its premium tier, with more themes, location-based alerts, and access to its full collaboration and file-attaching features.

    Remember the Milk
    Android / iOS (Free + IAP)

    One of the longest-established to-do list apps, but one that’s doing a decent job of keeping up with its newer rivals. Remember The Milk does the basics of task and list creation, syncing across devices and setting deadlines and priorities well.

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    It works well with services like Google Calendar and Evernote, and sharing lists and tasks with friends and colleagues is easy too. However, power-users will need to upgrade to its £29.99-a-year Pro subscription, which adds the ability to break jobs into subtasks, use colour tags to separate different kinds of lists, and set reminders.

    iOS (£3.99 + IAP)

    While many to-do list apps look the same, Clear has taken a bold, colourful and different approach to helping you keep on top of your tasks. Simple gestures create, rearrange and tick off your to-dos, and you can create separate lists to ensure your shopping and working duties aren’t jumbled together.

    Its desktop Mac and Apple Watch versions synchronise neatly, and while it doesn’t have the full range of power-features seen in some of its rivals, options like reminders are built in. The key appeal here is the ability to quickly swipe your way through lists as you complete tasks.

    Clear costs £3.99 for the full app. The in-app purchases, such as the 8-Bit or Sci-Fi “sound packs” for personalisation, are entirely optional.

    Android / iOS (Free + IAP)

    Finally, something completely different. Well, quite different. Habitica is an app for tracking and ticking off daily tasks like the others, but wrapped around that is an RPG-style game to motivate you to complete them.

    You create a character, unlock armour, pets and quests, and battle “monsters” all within the framework of completing your to-do lists. Meanwhile, a reward system encourages you to spend the “gold” you loot on time for treats in the real world as you get organised.

    If you’re looking for a powerful, serious task management app and haven’t spent much time playing RPGs, Habitica may be too quirky for your needs. However, if you’re looking for a fun motivational spin on this app category, it’s worth a try.

    Over to you! The comments section is open for your experiences of the apps above, and your recommendation of other useful to-do list apps that we haven’t included.

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    Click Track App For Mac Computer

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